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Writer's pictureCandace The Happy Musician

Keep Skills Sharp

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

Keep Skills Sharp - Happy Musician Strategies


Keep those music skills sharp

  • Utilize Coursera to take free courses in Music Theory, Ear Training, Music Business, and even entertainment law.

  • Use apps like Earpeggio and EarMaster to keep yourself sharp. identify intervals, work on sight-readding, and harmonizing. If you haven't yet, give composing a shot.



  • During all this downtime our cognitive and fine motor skills can take a real hit. The isolation and worry caused by the pandemic can alter our brain chemistry. The good thing is our brain is incredibly resilient to keep it that way we need to do our part. Learning something new will help keep your brain soft and pliable (read my blog "you're hard-headed") utilizing a different approach to practice (every 3-4 weeks) will keep those fine motor skills ready. The pandemic will come to an end, make sure you're ready to get out there and play.


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